Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15, 2012-Volume 59: Could I Still be Wild?

The Adventures of the Blind/Low Vision/Visually Impaired (BLOVI) Girl- Volume 59- Could I Still be Wild?

This week I am reflecting back on the days when I was supposedly “wild”. I think that there are times when I wish I could act wild and immature, because it would add a little spice to my life. But alas, there are consequences. That is the focus of this blog.

My WTF of the week is the interesting thing that occurred when my ex-boyfriend changed his relationship status on Facebook. Remind me to never, ever use that “in a relationship” button again. What was I thinking? I noticed that my in a relationship with and his picture had disappeared from my page (we had talked about doing this so it was not a surprise). So I went to his page and saw the post that he changed his status to single and what I see is many emoticons of sad faces and I am so sorry comments.  So my page still said in a relationship but without a named person, so I changed my status to single and I get nothing, nada. No sorry, no how sad, no emoticons. What is up Facebook people?  I am the one who got stone cold dumped, and he gets all the sad faces and apologies. Show me the love Facebook friends!

This week I can’t get enough of VH1 classics.  I don’t watch this channel, but the other night while running on the treadmill I happened upon it and what was on but the last 15 minutes of Purple Rain, an absolute classic and always awesome to watch and listen to. Seeing Prince in 1984 on the Purple Rain tour in the third row after I had run and pushed people out of my way in the mayhem that was general admission seating, is one of my best concert memories.  The next show was a Behind the Music on Metallica.  I am a closet Metallica fan so I was totally psyched to see this.  I have always wanted to be able to hit the drums with the force of Lars even though I know I am supposed to aspire to be Neil Pert or John Bonham, Lars is the man. And I adore James Hetfield because he has the most awesome voice when he sings and speaks.  He has that what a man is supposed to sound like voice, sexy and powerful. He can talk to me all day and all night.  Their documentary, Some Kind of Monster, was so psychologically interesting. And I love them musically; they are just a talented tight sounding band. Next year Lars and James turn 50 and they still rock hard.

When I was home in Tampa some of my friends and their spouses mentioned to my ex-boyfriend that I used to be wild back in the day. I am not really sure what they meant. I partied, but not excessively, got in a few fights and maybe broke a handful of laws (misdemeanors), but didn’t most of us? There are times when I wish I could act like I was still in my teens or early 20’s. I mean, all the Housewives on Bravo act like adolescents and they are around my age. Instead of handling things calmly and rationally, wouldn’t it be nice if you could just open up a can of whoop ass on someone who deserves it or just yell and cuss really loudly at them. I think the release would feel good. And sometimes I actually think about things I would do if there were no laws.  I am not sharing those.

But alas instead of being wild I just say my mantras, meditate and forgo alcohol. And I wonder, have I become boring? I still love to dance my butt off, go to parties and try new things. I guess it means I am still interesting. I wonder what wild would look like now. Wild could mean I actually drink a few beers and gossip loudly or dance on a table or sing Karaoke. Wild could mean I go topless on a nude beach (I am not sure anyone would notice that). Wild could mean I do something crazy like rock climb outside or roller blade. As I write these things I am realizing that I would do all of them. So maybe there is still a wild part of me.   Thank goodness!

Keep Moving Forward,
Beth (BLOVI) Medlock

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