Tuesday, March 22, 2011

January 6, 2011-Volume 12

At the beginning of 2011, I want to focus on what I would like to accomplish in the new year, both the mundane and the absurd. These are not resolutions, but goals that I may or may not achieve this year. Overall my goal is to make the most of 2011. But first……….
My WTF of the week is that my now 5 year old daughter came back from 6 days at her dad’s house as a 13 year old with a bump on her head the size of a tangerine and a cut that I will have to Mederma for months to prevent a scar. (As I understand, the injury was caused by what I will call a perfect storm of slippery socks, hardwood floors, a stack of pillows on the floor and a markedly gross motor delayed child which equals a face plant into a TV stand.) It is just so darn charming when your 5 year old sings sexually suggestive songs and talks about dating and breaking up with people. And I am not even going to mention the other shocking things she said, given that I am in a custody battle and all that. All I will say is thanks for the lack of parental supervision and judgment.
This week I can’t get enough of my new footie pajamas. They are a cozy, fleece, zip up, one piece and are Paul Frank so they have monkeys on the chest and feet. Only two problems is that when you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night your top half freezes, and they are a little too short so when I sleep my big toes start to hurt from pushing on the bottom. But that is a small price to pay for the general comfort, warmth, and style of this fabulous clothing item. I also received a Snuggie, that fabulous blanket clothing hybrid with a convenient pocket for your cell phone or remote control. Since I am always cold, because I am too cheap to turn up the heat, this wonder of a piece of cloth actually keeps me warm. You should see me at night in front of the TV with my footie PJ’s and Snuggie. I am officially an old person with no life, but I sure am warm and cozy. I don’t even want to move, which poses problems when you have to go to the bathroom. Next, it may be adult diapers for me.
I have big plans for 2011, since I am convinced that there is no possible way that it can go as badly as 2010. First, my goal is to re-enter the world. Since my accident the combination of surgery and healing, not being able to drive, plus the battles I have fought, have taken much of my time and energy. In addition I have been focused on trying to keep my daughter’s life and schedule as normal as possible and continue to work. That has left me with no social life, no time to network professionally or market myself, or have any personal time. So, this year I am getting out there among the people and I am taking taxi’s to do it. I am not letting the cost of transportation hold me back. My world was broad and active before the accident and now it is smaller. I will rejoin the world including making an effort to stay on top of world and local news, and new music and literature. So, in 2011 you will be seeing more of me, and I will also look fierce.
Part of expanding my world is to expand my circle of friends, It is sad that many friends and acquaintances disappeared after my accident. Why that is the case, I am not sure. I have also found that people are not as willing as they used to be to take the time to get to know me. Maybe they define me as a person with a disability and because of this I am either high maintenance (like I may ask them to tag along to a grocery store) or have little to offer. Nothing can be further from the truth and as I have said before, it is their loss. So I am going to reactivate my Dining for Women giving circle and maybe begin a book club. In that way I can meet interesting and engaged people.
You also may be hearing more of me in 2011 (lucky you). After the accident I was approached to have an internet radio show, which was not feasible at that time. Now I am ready to try to launch a radio program. Obviously, I like to talk and it will give me a platform to interview interesting people and maybe even take calls. I just have to make sure I don’t use profanity and offend too many people. I am sure it will be interesting or wildly amusing.
Professionally, I want to continue to grow my coaching practice, conduct more group coaching, and start some mastermind groups for small business owners. I also want to do more speaking engagements, because it is something that I love and that I am good at. I have done many workshops in the past, but now I have a story to tell.
This year, I am going to take the time to do a few things I have always wanted to do, but have never had the time. I love to sing and have no problems frustrating others by singing over perfectly good songs, so I am going to take voice lessons. I also love to dance and am finally going to take some kind of dance class, like modern dance. Maybe I can fulfill my lifelong dream of being on Broadway. I am sure I can pull that off at 42 and blind. I am also going to try and do some things that I will call “don’t try this at home” like taking the kayak down the river and riding my bike. I wish Jackass was still on because I am sure I could provide some great footage.
Most importantly, I am going to raise money for the Ocular Regeneration Center at Harvard. And yes, Harvard does need your money. I am going to get new retinas, and the more money that goes to stem cell research in this area, the faster stem cell reaches human trials. With the aging population, macular degeneration is a huge issue. When I am at the ophthalmologist office I always say “it’s me and the old folks” (and there is always Fox news or some cooking show on TV). In addition, there has been an increase in eye trauma in veterans coming back from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, so re-growing retinas and the optic nerve is of critical importance. I have no money to give them, but I do have my voice, my skills as a speaker, and my passion for making things happen to offer.
So, my question to you is, what are you going to do in 2011? As I see it, the only thing that limits us or gets in our way is ourselves and our limiting beliefs. So act as if all options are open, because they are. And if you try something and fail, so what, it is the trying that is important. The past does not matter because we all have the power to define our futures. So what are you waiting for, roll the dice and play big.
Keep Moving Forward,
Beth (BLOVI) Medlock

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